Get 24h ticker price

This WebSocket API provides real-time updates for tickers on Nami Exchange.

Get Ticker Price RealTime By Socket

Overview This WebSocket API provides real-time updates for tickers on Nami Exchange.

  • Base URL: wss://

  • Path: /ws

  • Transport: WebSocket

  • Reconnection: Enabled with exponential backoff

Connection To establish a connection, use the following WebSocket client configuration:

const socket = socketIO("", {
  path: "/ws",
  upgrade: false,
  reconnection: true,
  reconnectionDelay: 100,
  reconnectionDelayMax: 500,
  reconnectionAttempts: Infinity,
  transports: ["websocket"],


1. Connect

  • Event: connect

  • Description: Triggered when the client successfully connects to the WebSocket server.

  • Example:

    socket.on("connect", () => {
      console.log("Connected to WebSocket server");

2. Subscribe to Tickers

  • Event: subscribe:ticker

  • Description: Subscribes to real-time Tickers updates for a specific trading pair.

  • Payload: string (trading pair, e.g., "BTCUSDT")

  • Example:

    socket.emit("subscribe:ticker", "BTCUSDT");

3. Receive Tickers Updates

  • Event: spot:ticker:update

  • Description: Provides real-time Tickers updates for the subscribed trading pair.

  • Payload: JSON object containing trade details.

  • Example Response:

      "a": 0,
      "b": "BTC",
      "p": 98250.01,
      "ld": 97643.14,
      "h": 99128,
      "l": 96155,
      "hh": 98409.08,
      "lh": 97696.49,
      "vb": 3.868911719999997,
      "vq": 377860.9234310737,
      "s": "BTCUSDT",
      "qi": 22,
      "bi": 9,
      "q": "USDT",
      "u": true,
      "lq": 3e-7,
      "lQ": 0,
      "t": 1738824644102,
      "ph": 97796.25,
      "av": 3.1648889600000083,
      "hy": 109544.14,
      "ly": 42788.01,
      "vc": 0,
      "pw": 101344.15,
      "p1m": 98220.51,
      "p3m": 75571.99,
      "py": 43098.96,
      "lbl": "top_view"
  • Example Handling:

    socket.on("spot:ticker:update", (data) => {
      console.log("Tickers update:", data);

Disconnection & Reconnection

  • The WebSocket client automatically attempts to reconnect with exponential backoff.

  • If disconnected, it will retry indefinitely with a delay between 100ms - 500ms.


  • Ensure your WebSocket client supports reconnection strategies to maintain a stable connection.

  • Data is subject to market fluctuations and should be handled accordingly.

Last updated